Volunteer to Help!
The Mahkato Wacipi Powwow always needs help from volunteers. Volunteer tasks include parking, general security, grounds keeping, and runners/general help.
Group volunteering is welcome as well and encouraged! Please encourage your friends to join you in volunteering for this great event!
If you have questions about volunteering, please contact Alice. Otherwise click the link below to sign up!
Please be sure to include your contact information so we can contact you by phone or email.
Pidamiya! We look forward to seeing you at our powwow!

Here are a few quotes from previous service learning students!
"My service learning experience at the PowWow was very educational! Being around other cultures and learning about their customs is great!"
“I think the powwow was a big turning point for me. I realized that it is interesting and fun to learn about other cultures. Spending the whole weekend with a different race/culture was eye-opening and I loved it! Meeting new people is what I love to do, so it was perfect. This experience makes me want to get out and do it more.”
"I learned a lot when I worked at the PowWow for my service learning."
“The service learning assignment went a long ways in my cultural competence. I got to connect and understand with the Native American culture.”

Service Learning Students: SIGN UP HERE!
Service Learning
Our Mahkato Wacipi powwow committee is looking for motivated and eager high school and college students interested in increasing their experience and knowledge about our powwow and culture through our unique service learning and volunteer program. Since 1993, we have had many high school and college students participate in our program. If you are interested, follow the instructions listed below. We look forward to having you be a part of our powwow this year.
This experience helps students to understand and appreciate the American Indian culture.
Service-Learning Provides Educational Experiences
A national study of Learn and Serve America programs suggests that effective service-learning programs improve grades, increase attendance in school, and develop students' personal and social responsibility. A growing body of research recognizes service-learning as an effective strategy to help students by:
- Promoting learning through active participation in service experiences
- Providing structured time for students to reflect by thinking, discussing and writing about their service experience
- Providing an opportunity for students to use skills and knowledge in real-life situations
- Extending learning beyond the classroom and into the community
- Fostering a sense of caring for others
Service learning is an educational method that involves students in challenging tasks that meet genuine community needs and requires the application of knowledge, skills and systematic reflection on the experience. - National Youth Leadership Council
Anyone needing or requiring hours for a class or course will use the link posted below. This link is ONLY for service-learning students or folks needing hours. Follow the instructions when you open the link. Minimum sign up is 6 hours. Save your shift days/times. There will only be a detailed confirmation email sent out with instructions a few days prior to the event weekend. We want this to be a rewarding and educational experience for everyone. Thank you for your participation in our Mankato Powwow service learning!
If you have questions about service learning opportunities, please contact Alice.